Few advices by Jordan Ellenberg on how to give a good talk.
Town |
Year |
Month |
Title |
Name of the conference |
Organizer(s) |
Shanghai |
2024 |
September |
M. Chen |
Pavia |
" |
February |
Fibrations in (1,2)-surfaces |
F. F. Favale |
Pipa |
2023 |
December |
C. Araujo |
Bedlewo |
" |
April |
Simple fibrations in (1,2)-surfaces and threefolds near the Noether line |
V. Benedetti |
Portorose |
2021 |
June |
8th European Congress in Mathematics |
M. Penegini |
Milano |
2019 |
September |
Rigid but not infinitesimally rigid compact complex manifolds |
S. Brivio |
Pavia |
" |
September |
Rigid but not infinitesimally rigid compact complex manifolds |
XXI Congresso UMI |
P. Frediani |
Cetraro |
2018 |
September |
Rigid but not infinitesimally rigid compact complex manifolds |
Differential, Algebraic and Topological Methods in Complex Algebraic Geometry |
I. Bauer |
Leicester |
" |
June |
Galois covers solving classical problems |
F. Neumann |
Rio de Janeiro |
2016 |
August |
On quotients of products of two curves |
1st Joint Meeting Brazil-Italy in Mathematics. Session 8 Classification of Projective Varieties and Related Topics |
G. Borrelli |
Roma |
" |
January |
On base points of twisted pluricanonical systems of minimal surfaces of general type |
C. Ciliberto
Lisbon |
2015 |
June |
The bicanonical map of some surfaces of general type |
Conference on Algebraic Surfaces |
C. Florentino |
Angers |
2014 |
June |
Rigid ample divisors on some Calabi-Yau 3-folds |
F. Mangolte |
Trento |
" |
February |
On the Gauss map of some spin curves |
2nd FIRB Moduli Spaces and Their Applications Workshop |
G. Bini |
Bielefeld |
2013 |
December |
On fibred surfaces of general type |
M. Lönne |
Cosenza |
" |
June |
On quasi étale quotients of products of two curves |
New Trends in Algebraic Geometry |
I. Bauer |
Trento |
2012 |
October |
3rd SAGA Workshop |
Fondazione Graphitech |
Newcastle |
" |
June |
Beauville Surfaces and Groups 2012 |
I. Bauer |
Pavia |
" |
March |
F. Bonsante |
Bayreuth |
" |
Februar |
Quotients of products of curves: results and problems |
Treffen der Forschergruppe 790 |
F. Catanese |
Bologna |
2011 |
September |
XIX Congresso UMI |
F. Flamini |
Padova |
" |
May |
Weighted hypersurfaces with many vanishing plurigenera |
Two weeks of classical algebraic geometry |
E. Stagnaro |
Shanghai |
2010 |
May |
On product-quotient surfaces of geometric genus 0 |
Algebraic Geometry on Varieties and Manifolds |
M. Chen
Seoul |
" |
March |
Product-quotient surfaces of genus 0 |
KIAS Winter School on Algebraic Geometry Algebraic surfaces and their compact moduli |
J. Hwang |
Milano |
2009 |
November |
Quozienti di prodotti di curve, gruppi fondamentali e superfici di genere 0 |
Some Topics in Commutative Algebra and Algebraic Geometry |
A. Alzati
Oberwolfach |
" |
October |
Surfaces with pg=0: computer aided constructions |
Complex Algebraic Geometry |
F. Catanese
Pisa |
2008 |
October |
Surfaces with a canonical pencil |
Workshop on Algebraic Surfaces |
F. Bogomolov
Almería |
2005 |
June |
J.L. Rodríguez
Oberwolfach |
" |
February |
Fibrations of low genus and surfaces with q=pg=1 |
Komplexe Algebraische Geometrie |
F. Catanese
Utrecht |
2004 |
June |
On a question of Horikawa |
Algebraic geometry and commutative algebra |
B. Szendröi |
Milano |
" |
April |
On a question of Chisini |
G.P. Pirola
Taipei |
" |
March |
Graded rings and a question of Horikawa |
Higher Dimensional Algebraic Geometry |
J.A. Chen
Oberwolfach |
" |
February |
Extrasymmetric matrices and surfaces with pg=4 and K2=6 |
Classification of Surfaces of General Type with Small Invariants |
F. Catanese
Ferrara |
2002 |
September |
Fibrations of small genus |
Birational and Projective Geometry of Algebraic Varieties (AGaFe 2002) |
A. Alzati
E. Mezzetti M. Mella |
Cambridge |
2001 |
March |
Canonical linear systems with base points on surfaces |
COW extended activity |
A. Corti |
Gargnano |
2000 |
May |
Fibrazioni di genere basso e superfici numericamente di Godeaux |
A. Lanteri
Furore (NA) |
1999 |
October |
Invariants of surface fibrations and the classification of the numerical Godeaux surfaces |
Workshop on algebraic surfaces |
C. Ciliberto
Pisa |
1998 |
June |
Generic covers branched over {xn=ym} |
Meeting of young european researchers in RAAG |
C. Andradas |